Cover image
Title Page
Copyright Page
1 – The Significance of Existence
2 – Humanity's story
3 – Outgrowing Our Earthly Origins
4 – There Are No Main Characters
5 – Lingering Apprehension
6 – Our Personal Horizons
7 – Unbound From Our Past
8 – Chasing Sunsets
9 – Reaching the Equilibrium of Life in the Universe
10 – An Explosion of Possibilities
11 – The Imperfections of Reality as a Subjective Observer
12 – The Emergence of Silicon Beings
13 – The Wonders Beyond Earth
14 – The Battle to Leave Earth
15 – The End in Sight
16 – The Tools of Truth
17 – The Extent of Our Existence
18 – Spreading Out Across the Universe
19 – An Indifferent Universe
20 – Friends
21 – Things Unsaid
23 – Forging Our Momentum
24 – Destiny
25 – Era of Exploration
26 – Era of Building
27 – Era of Thinking
28 – Cracking the Mind Transfer Challenge
29 – This Meaningful Meaningless Existence
30 – The Mindset of Survival
31 – Being Silicon
32 – Life Beyond Earth
33 – Perfection Is the Enemy of Progress
34 – The Meaning of Life
35 – Carrying the Torch
37 – The Unique Stories of Individuals
38 – The Discomfort of Being
39 – The Best
40 – Never Give Up
41 – A Break From Reality
42 – Create While You Exist
43 – Tormentous Dreams
44 – The Last Being
46 – Opportunities Are Everything
47 – When You Find What You're Looking For
48 – The Final Pursuit
49 – The Edge of Immortality
50 – The End