Half oval with wisp trails chaotically branching outward. Half oval with wisp trails chaotically branching outward.

The Journey Onward

I am not an author; I’m a traveler of life who just had something I wanted to say (to anyone who may find resonance). Don’t hold any specific expectations of me; simply look for me in the ethereal wake I cast. There are no absolute truths to be found here (or in anything beyond the fundamental principles of the universe: a far distinction from the high-level constructs we operate as). I’ve felt fortunate to have happened myself upon these many personal truths that bring me contentment and understanding on all levels, notably, in transcending the abstract hard sciences (that do not inherently inform our existences) and the contrived construct towers (that veer wildly from the directions of truth).

And as a final call to arms… If you are in the pursuit of your own self-actualization journey, join the rest of us. Jump in wherever you can find any trace of fervency, and don’t let anything or anyone dissuade you from uncovering the path through existence that only you are equipped to pioneer: explore your destinies to radiate your unique story out into the universe beyond your mental sanctum (it’s scary out there, but it’s worth it, I promise). Be brutally authentic. Be tenaciously vulnerable. Be inquisitively undeterred. Only then will we be able to find each other to surf our combined ripples into shared sunsets. Thanks for existing. You all mean a lot to me, more than you probably know, and in more ways than I’ll ever be able to convey.

Connect with me at pennpierson.com

Follow endeavors related to this book at lifetimesinfinity.com

Title Page
Copyright Page
1 – The Significance of Existence
2 – Humanity's story
3 – Outgrowing Our Earthly Origins
4 – There Are No Main Characters
5 – Lingering Apprehension
6 – Our Personal Horizons
7 – Unbound From Our Past
8 – Chasing Sunsets
9 – Reaching the Equilibrium of Life in the Universe
10 – An Explosion of Possibilities
11 – The Imperfections of Reality as a Subjective Observer
12 – The Emergence of Silicon Beings
13 – The Wonders Beyond Earth
14 – The Battle to Leave Earth
15 – The End in Sight
16 – The Tools of Truth
17 – The Extent of Our Existence
18 – Spreading Out Across the Universe
19 – An Indifferent Universe
20 – Friends
21 – Things Unsaid
23 – Forging Our Momentum
24 – Destiny
25 – Era of Exploration
26 – Era of Building
27 – Era of Thinking
28 – Cracking the Mind Transfer Challenge
29 – This Meaningful Meaningless Existence
30 – The Mindset of Survival
31 – Being Silicon
32 – Life Beyond Earth
33 – Perfection Is the Enemy of Progress
34 – The Meaning of Life
35 – Carrying the Torch
37 – The Unique Stories of Individuals
38 – The Discomfort of Being
39 – The Best
40 – Never Give Up
41 – A Break From Reality
42 – Create While You Exist
43 – Tormentous Dreams
44 – The Last Being
46 – Opportunities Are Everything
47 – When You Find What You're Looking For
48 – The Final Pursuit
49 – The Edge of Immortality
50 – The End