Store | The Importance of Existence

In Development

In Development

In Development

The Importance of Existence is a book of philosophical wonderings, the very wonderings that brought Lifetimes Infinity into existence.


Of all the humans to exist, one must necessarily be the last.

Billions of years after the fall of Earth, a lone being wanders the far-flung moons among one of the last harbor galaxies. All that remains of humanity's cosmic presence is a final set of transmissions cast out with no more intent than to fall upon the deafening expanse of a rifting universe. What could the transmissions hope to achieve? To what ends had humanity's efforts been for?

  • A half-maddened being flung into the void?
  • A human mind conscripted to push well beyond what was once considered human?

Countless beautiful destinies were undoubtedly forgone to articulate this solitary human to the far-distant end of life's story. Yet, we were the ones who dared to fasten ourselves to anything that would bear our souls so we could map our bare beings against scales unfathomed. What such thoughts did we allow to inundate the performances of our lives? And perhaps more importantly, in the desperate race against time, what paths went unchosen in the abstinence of existential immobilization? Either way, our questions into the importance of this existence would not go unanswered.

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Creator: Josh Penn-Pierson
Published: First Edition July 2024
Language: English (US)
Word count: ~91,000
BISAC categories: FIC039000 - FICTION / Visionary & Metaphysical
FIC028020 - FICTION / Science Fiction / Hard Science Fiction
FIC019000 - FICTION / Literary
FIC065000 - FICTION / Epistolary
FIC028130 - FICTION / Science Fiction / Space Exploration


Release Date: 2024-07-23
Price: Free (if you paid for this ebook anywhere, you should request a refund / price match)
File formats: EPUB (2.6MB)
EPUB – Dark Mode (2.6MB)
PDF (2.9MB)
PDF – Dark Mode (2.9MB)
Delivery method: Download via Payhip (standard version is also available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Kobo).


Release Date: 2024-07-23
Pages: 283
Dimensions: 127 x 203 x 18 mm (5 x 8 x 0.7 in)
Weight: 340 g (0.75 lbs)
Delivery method: Printed and shipped via BookVault (with print locations in the USA and UK). Allow 2–3 weeks for printing and shipping. While the delivery may take longer than other retailers, working with this independent printer allows us to deliver higher-quality product at lower cost.


Release Date: 2024-08-22
Pages: 283
Dimensions: 140 x 216 x 24 mm (5.5 x 8.5 x 0.94 in)
Weight: 520 g (1.15 lbs)
Delivery method: Printed and shipped via BookVault (with print locations in the USA and UK). Allow 2–3 weeks for printing and shipping. While the delivery may take longer than other retailers, working with this independent printer allows us to deliver higher-quality product at lower cost.


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